As I sit here, I think about all of the time I've wanted to spend getting lost in all of the words that flow through my brain on a daily basis. I don't know how many moments I've wanted to give myself over to the character's thoughts.
My day job is being an educator to students with disabilities. As the school year winds down, my creative juices are moving at a rapid pace. I'm excited and nervous about the projects to come. I've been working on my upcoming releases when I can. Even with that, the words haven't been filling the pages as much as I've wished.
I've had to battle some personal demons including questioning my skill as a writer. It affected me so much I thought about walking away from it all.

I don't know about other people but I had moments of doubt. Moments where I question if I've made the right choices in my life. I then remember the above posted quote and I have to get over myself. I don't know when it will happen but I know it shall. In a time where there are numerous crafters, writers, and artists, I have to recall someone out there is waiting for my next story. I'm going to keep working on my story. I'm going to work at growing my readers, beta and arc, as well as gathering my team of supporters.
I've got some wonderful things in the works. The gift I've been given isn't mine alone. It's one I've been tasked to share. My next releases:
Peace of Italy
The Red I See
Cocky Narcissist
Dark Treasure
A Whiskey Sweet Revelation & A Whiskey Sweet Connection (the follow up partial ending to Cross and Savannah's story)
- this story shifted and redirected in a way I didn't even expect
This year's works are promising to keep readers on their toes.
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