Kelsey Elise Sparrow
My Muse: It depends on the author. I wouldn't say I have a specific muse. The muse varies. I have books that came from a premade I saw. Some ideas come from a song lyric or I'm sitting watching something and the story comes to me. The stories develop in the strangest ways. I've had pieces of the scene come to me while I'm driving or out shopping. It's why I always keep a notebook on hand. The characters vie for attention and control which makes the process of getting center stage hilarious. The characters depict where the story goes. My characters are not only demanding but annoyingly loud. They debate and are rather pushy chatterboxes when they want their stories told. I love them all but they are a tad bit bratty at times. If only people knew the insanity of the author's brain. They would never want to venture inside one. Whiskey Sweet: Whiskey Sweet has come to be one of my favorite places, even if it is totally set in my mind. I'm in love with the characters and the location. Set in Connecticut, just outside of real life New Haven, it's a beautiful space. The cherry blossoms that grow there are so magnificent and grace the spines of the series' covers. Initially, I didn't know this was going to become a series. I was writing the introduction to the series, Whiskey's One True Wish, I didn't think Taryn and Wesley's story would lead me to her friend. (I had no clue this was going to be the intro.) Savannah and Cross revealed their story as slowly as humanly possible all while revealing how it would connect some of the other books in other series. I didn't know Dylan and Kincaid's story was going to be told before Savannah and Cross let me know the details of their connection. I also had no clue how all of those worlds would connect. A Whiskey Sweet Treat tells Savannah and Cross' story, but the story doesn't end there. A nugget of their story is told in Stick, Sweet Caramel which releases on Aug. 10. The first connection is discovered. One that threw me for a loop. As it came to be, I did a happy dance. It might shock those who have read any of my previous works. From Whiskey Sweet, Connecticut to Atlanta, Georgia to Tempa, Florida, the links between the characters have blown my mind. I can't wait to show how everything ties together. The families and the cases bring these individuals together in ways I never would've imagined. I hope the readers love it just as much as I have. What the characters have shared with me is beautiful. As each piece is developed, each story shows just how connected the characters are in the KES world. Happy Reading!!
