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Character Chat: A Talk with Amazing Women (Charisma and Chyra) #kesparrow

Chyra: Here we go again. Why do I suddenly find myself waiting on everyone else? Tell me this isn't how everyone felt when...

Zoie: The shoe was on the other foot and you made us wait for you. You know your "wait and see" antics started from birth, right?

Chyra: Aren't you supposed to be off doing something? I don't recall your name being in the title of this chat.

Zoie chuckles as she moves a child from one of the bookshelves.

Zoie: I figured you'd enjoy a little company while you waited for whoever you're talking to today. Although, right now it looks like you're talking to yourself.

Winnifred: I'll talk to you, Chy. I've got some time on my hands since I haven't been bothering her with my story. Chyra: Hey, up there! What the heck is going on here? Can you not wrangle this crew of miscreants or something? Put 'em in a file or whatever it is you do.

The two women chuckle. Winnifred begins to pull her long, loose curls up into a high ponytail before fixing her sundress. Zoie lifts the child with the soft brown waves onto her hip before holding her hand out to a little girl with multicolor hairballs around the multiple ponytails in her hair. The little girl's outfit has just as many colors in it. The little girl gives Zoie a kiss on her cheek. There is an imprint from the little girls lips on Zoie's brown skin.

The two share a smile as humming begins to fill the space. All three women look around for the source.

Chyra: Who is that? Please tell me this woman has finally deigned to show her face.

Liandra: Unless you're waiting for me, then that would be inaccurate. I'm just passing through. I had something to share with K.E. really quickly before I had back to my corner. This couldn't wait. That Abigail woman stopped by while I was in front. It might be a little while longer. You know how much she likes to share. All right. Bye for now.

Chyra: She said, "Bye for now". Does that mean she's planning on coming back through and interrupting this...whatever this is?

Zoie: Oh, are you speaking to me? I was under the impression you didn't want to speak with me. You were waiting for someone else.

Winnifred: She did make it seem as if that's what she wanted. Are you sure she's supposed to meet with someone today? I mean, this chick, you know, the author, seems preoccupied with other things. I could take care of it.

Both Chyra and Zoie speak at the same time.

Chyra and Zoie: No! It's fine. We'll...I'll wait for as long as she needs. I'd like my voice to be heard.

Winnifred: Hasn't she written your story already? She wrote one and a half stories for you. I'm still a plotline with some scenes on a page. You two have a published story for the world to read. I don't even know how we're sharing the same space. Usually, those who have shared take a back seat and allow the rest of us to have some light. Nope. Not the two of you. Sounds pretty selfish to me.

Zoie: Now, hold a minute there. You don't know anything about us and you're making some pretty hefty claims from a passing interaction. If I handled things the way you just did then I'd have to wonder if you're liked at all in your story. Does anyone even notice you're missing in your book?

Winnifred glares at Zoie before giving her a once over. When she opens her mouth to speak, Chyra interrupts her.

Chyra: That's a good point Zoie. Hell, that's probably why "the author" hasn't put her story on paper.

Winnifred: You're the baby of the family, right? She's the eldest. She's got that overly protective, overcompensating thing down. She's probably the sister he sends out the commands and everyone falls in line accordingly. You don't. You march to your own drummer and could care less what others think about your life and the choices you've made.

With a self-satisfied smile on her face, she folds her arms over her chest while looking as if she's waiting for us to prove her wrong. i hate that we can't. I hate even more that she knows we know she's right.

Chyra: I'll have...

Charisma: Sorry I'm late. I was in the longest line of traffic every. All these people kept appearing out of no where, directly in my path. I'm usually on time for everything. What did I miss?

Zoie: So much. Little Sis, I'm going to head out and allow you to have your chat. Um...

Winnifred turns to look in Zoie's direction.

Winnifred: Winnifred. Don't worry, I'm heading to my little spot.

Chyra: Finally. I'd be lying if I said I'd miss you.

Winnifred chuckles as she stands.

Charisma: Now, I'm really sorry I'm late. I'd love to be enlightened.

Chyra spears her with her gaze as Winnifred nods then turns to exit. Zoie gives Chyra a hug before gathering her little bundles of joy and making her own hasty retreat.

Charisma: Please someone tell me they caught whatever that conversation was on tape. I felt so much tension when I walked in.

Chyra: Ms. White, we were put in a room together for a reason. I have some things that need to be taken care of and you're twenty minutes late. Could we move this along please?

Charisma: Oh! Wow. Were you like this with her? If so, I can see why there was so much tension between you two.

Chyra drops her head into her hands while releasing a long breath. She tries her best not to scream.

Chyra: Yeah. No. Nope. I can't do this. I don't know what you were thinking, Lady, but I don't have the patient for this. I have dinner prep and about five million other things that I could be working on. Anything is better than this. If this was a test then I failed.

Grabbing her belongings, she gives Charisma a once over then shakes her head. She mutters the entire time she walks away.

Charisma: Oh okay. Does that mean this meeting isn't happening? I mean, I could talk to that other lady. I'm here. Might as well make the best of it. I could call my friends and have them come talk with me. Em and Mercy could be here in no time at all.

She begins to dial her phone as the room goes dark.

Charisma: I guess not.




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